The Wonderful African Big Five

If you’re one of our regular visitors, you already know we’re big animal lovers. In 2016 we’ve shared many stories about unlikely friendships struck between wild animals which were left or-phaned or abandoned by their herds at a very young age. We will continue to explore the amaz-ing animal kingdom in 2017, starting with the magnificent Big Five.

About The Big Five Animals

The expression Big Five was first created by big game hunters in 19th and early 20th century to describe the five most difficult animals to hunt on foot in Africa. African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard and rhinoceros have not made it to this group because of their size, but because of the danger and difficulty involved in bringing them down. Today you’ll see this term used in many tourist guides talking about African wildlife safaris, though the shooting is fortunately done by cameras and not weapons.

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Rhinoceros, Africa’s Armoured Giant

Over the last period, we’ve been sharing some interesting facts about The Big Five – a group of difficult to poach animals the hunters have been passionately pursuing for ages. Nowadays, African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard and rhinoceros are called The Big Five by the tourist agencies using it to draw fans of ecotourism. Today we’ll try to learn a bit more about the one which has been around for millions of years, the African rhino.

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African Leopard, the Master Stalker

African leopard is yet another of the Big Five, teamed up with the African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo and rhinoceros. Each of these animals were considered difficult and dangerous to hunt on foot, which is why the hunters have long ago coined the term Big Five, marking them as sought-after trophies. Today you can see these magnificent creatures in flesh while taking part in a wildlife safari, and joining us here you might learn some interesting things you never knew about them.

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Cape buffalo, the Softhearted Bully

Cape buffalo is a member of the Big Five family, a name given by hunters 100 years ago to describe the five most difficult and dangerous animals to hunt on foot. While the term stuck to this day, it’s now primarily used in touristic marketing for wildlife safaris which give one a chance to observe these magnificent animals in flesh. On top of the African buffalo, the group  also includes African lion, African elephant, African leopard and rhinoceros. Each has its own special traits, and in the text bellow we’ll explore those of the intimidating Cape buffalo.

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African Elephant, the Caring Giant

Once sought-after hunting trophies, the Big Five are now a major tourist attraction enticing visitors to join wildlife safaris. On last occasion we've shared some interesting facts about the magnificent lion, and now we're continuing our exploration of the Big Five with the African elephant.

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Meet the Lion, King of the Jungle

Last time we’ve introduced the Big Five, a group of animals which have made it to the list due to the danger and difficulty involved when hunting them on foot. The term was coined by hunters in late 19th century but is still used today, only in different context. African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard and rhinoceros are nowadays referred to as the Big Five by tourist industry when describing the attractions of wildlife safaris. To learn more about these five beautiful animals, over the next period we’ll share with you some more and less known facts.

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