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Welcome to the Metaverse Where Online Casino Games Truly are Immersive!

Imagine online casino games that really are immersive? Where your avatar can move seamlessly between virtual business meetings, cyber-lunches with pals and the virtual equivalent of Springbok Casino? If the tech mandarins get their way – we are about to step into the Metaverse!
What is the Metaverse?
According to the futurists who are dreaming about this expansive interconnected new world, the Metaverse is the internet on steroids. It is the next wave of the World Wide Web, which is more ‘Matrix’ than information superhighway.
You and I – and hundreds of millions of other users – will, for the first time, have a ‘physical’ presence on the web. As avatars, we will have the freedom to shop, work, learn, interact socially and play online casino games… without leaving the confines of our homes.
The Metaverse is envisioned to consist of hundreds of siloed platforms, offering different services, products, content and activities. It will be like a virtual microcosm of central London, Manhattan or Cape Town. The only difference is wearable tech will be the access point to all the wares.
A Hive of Interconnecting Parts
At this point in time, techies are creating the building blocks of the collaborative end point, known as the Metaverse. Companies such as Immersed have, for example, created remote, VR-enabled collaboration spaces. Employees, dispersed across the world, can now work together in real-time in the same virtual room.
Another ground-breaking start up, Obsess, has created a sophisticated virtual shopping experience. Anyone, located anywhere in the world, can ‘step’ into flagship retail stores and shop. The next step is to enable instore fittings of virtual clothing and other merchandise prior to purchase… which will inevitably be covered by cryptocurrencies.
When extrapolated across the retail space, that could mean taking the latest EV for a virtual test spin in your stripey pyjamas. Or trying on that beautiful, flouncy wedding dress in a store Hong Kong, from your bedroom in Fish Hoek. As for gaming… we have already had a taste of an integrated VR universe embedded with avatars in video games like Fortnite!
Transfer the VR concept into the arena of real money online casino games and the possibilities are endless. Imagine, you could soon be directing your avatar to the latest RTG slot machine in a future Springbok Casino… as you soak in a bubble bath! If you hit the progressive jackpot, we are certain you would make a splash.
The key to the Metaverse is to create an element of interoperability between all these dedicated platforms. A ‘back door’, if you will. The idea is to allow free virtual movement from one space to the other. That way, we can we shop, flirt, view and browse… through the eyes of our avatar!
An Enriched VR Version of the World Wide Web
In essence, the Metaverse is an enriched VR equivalent of the internet. It will consist of the same broad categories – social media, education, news, politics, retail and so on – but provide a vastly enhanced user experience. It will be a world featuring quality 3D graphics, audio and loads of other people as avatars.
In the Metaverse, communication will be sophisticated and seamless. According to futurists, it will even be possible to sit down and start chatting to someone else’s avatar. What’s more, directing glares, stares and glances at fellow ‘Meta bodies’ is on the cards, thanks to the advances made in ava-animation. By all accounts, the Metaverse will provide an experience on a par with real-life, but without the effort of physicality.
As with the current iteration of the internet, the Metaverse will consistently be changed and enriched by user-generated content. It will be a vast space filled by our digital creations – images, stories, products, services… and online casino games galore Springbok Casino!
In the Metaverse, it is all about the art of the impossible. It is a virtual world that spills over into the real world. It is a versatile place where, for example, you can operate a bot in cyberspace, only to be operating a bot or automaton in a real-life setting.
How Close are We to the Metaverse?
Although the conceptual foundations of the Metaverse have been laid, it will take a concerted collaborative effort to pull it altogether. By all accounts, it is a project of enormous scale that could easily take 15 to 20 years to bring to fruition.
As we all wait with bated breath for the next wave of internet technologies, it’s time to take stock of what has been achieved. In fact, there are some extraordinary elements of a future Metaverse that are already out there. Rocking to a virtual Ariana Grande concert embedded in a video game, shopping around the world in one day – and playing online casino games in real time with your BFFs is a taste of things to come.
How Will the Metaverse Affect Human Interaction?
To be quite frank, we are already halfway there. We play online casino games on our desktop or mobile phones, we shop virtually and have goods delivered straight to our front door – and we interact with friends via the many social media platforms available.
True love is found on dating apps, meetings are held via video conferencing and children are attending virtual schools. So, the answer to the question on how it will affect human interaction is probably ‘not much’. Of course, finding a healthy balance – as we’re already needing to do – between spending time online and real time with friends and family will be important.
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