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Female Gamblers and Springbok Casino No Deposit Bonus Codes

In their heyday, our gambling ladies would have ploughed through Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes… just like that. If they had half a chance, they would have shot cheating adversaries in their heads! Here is a round-up of the tough, gritty women of the west!
Gunslinging Gambling on the Western Frontier
Frontier gambling is usually associated with tobacco chewing, poker playing cowboys. Guys like Pat Garrett, Doc Holiday and Billy the Kid. These gunslinging gamblers usually headed to the gambling halls and saloons right after robbing a stagecoach, train or bank.
Five card stud or draw poker was their game. That, of course, is the equivalent of the video poker you can play right now at Springbok Online Casino. These dudes were risk-takers. They were cussing, whisky-swilling gamblers willing to bet on just about anything.
They were also exclusively credited with taming the Wild, Wild West. That, of course, is only half true. As we all know, behind every successful man there stands a good woman. My, were the notorious gambling ladies of the west really good at what they did. Their role in society varied from dealing the cards to running small-town saloons and brothels.
In between whiles, they were all hard at work building million dollar and more bankrolls. Their casino games of choice ranged from vingt-en-un, hazard, faro and craps to 3 card monte, chuck-a-luck and roulette. It was all hard and fast on the western frontier, where Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes where nowhere to be found!
Springbok Casino No Deposit Bonus Codes Would Have Been Redundant
In towns like Deadwood, Silver City, Tombstone and Abilene, there was no need for Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes. The reason being that gamblers would run their own games of chance – and bank it with their own cash.
Gaming halls soon became key drivers of local economies. That is a bit like the online casinos of today. Digitally optimised gaming platforms, like Springbok Online Casino, are leading a protracted global gambling boom!
In the Wild West, playing cards for profit was considered a most respectable profession. It was only during the Californian Gold Rush that things got out of hand. Frontier towns became degenerate and lawless places. Lawmen were outgunned by outlaws and renegades.
Who are the women who saw endless opportunities in places dominated by desperados? Our first gambling lady of ill-repute is…
Kitty Leroy – 1850 to 1877
Feisty, beautiful and a ‘black widow’ of sorts, Kitty Leroy was all things to all men. She was a dancer, prostitute, madam and saloon owner. She was also a gambler and sharpshooter who made a living from picking off apples from the top of people’s heads!
Over her 27 years, Leroy married five men. According to legend, she shot her third husband-to-be in a gunfight. That is before requesting a preacher to witness the betrothal. He died a few days later!
Kitty first became a faro dealer before dabbling in gambling itself. She soon developed extraordinary card playing skills and opened her own gambling saloon in Deadwood.
As a card sharp, Leroy accumulated a king’s ransom in winnings. She was clearly on the up and up – and that is without the benefit of our Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes!
By that time, Leroy was on to her fifth husband, a particularly jealous man who did not take kindly to her endless affairs. In a fit of rage, he shot her and turned the gun on himself. It may have been a befitting end to a ‘loose’ woman – but the Wild West was much poorer for her absence!
Thanks to Springbok Online Casino, you do not have to open your own gambling hall to enjoy the pleasures and potential profits of gaming. With the able assistance of our Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes, you can play online blackjack, Tri Card Poker and Caribbean Stud, Draw and Hold’em Poker… for FREE!
Now to our second female frontier gambler, the brave, cunning and unforgettable…
Poker Alice – 1851 to 1930
Devonshire born and Virginia raised, ‘Poker Alice’ Ivers was, by all accounts, a lady. She was also a fashionista who liked to splurge her poker winnings on 19th century haute couture. Her shopping destination of choice was the Big Apple.
For Alice, shopping for nice clothes was an investment. She purposely chose low-slung gowns that showed off her considerable bosom. By complementing her natural good looks with high-end finery, she was able to distract her male poker-playing opponents!
Alice, who always travelled with a loaded .38 revolver secreted on her person, visited notorious gambling towns to play poker… and inevitably won. At the height of her profession, she was banking more than $6k a day in winnings.
That, my friends, is the equivalent of around $205,000… or a cool R3.077 million, at current conversion rates! All without the use of, what can only be called a key advantage, in the form of our Springbok Casino no deposit bonus codes!
Poker Alice attributed her fantastic success to her ability to ‘count the cards and figure the odds’. When her poker playing days were over, she took up bootlegging and running brothels instead. Her chosen trades got here into plenty of trouble with the local lawmen… but nothing that a wink and a smile couldn’t fix.
The aging Alice was even jailed for shooting one of a bunch of rowdy Sunday revellers. Such was her reputation, she was promptly pardoned by the Governor of South Dakota, where she lived.
The legend of Poker Alice lives on. The inimitable gambling siren of the western frontier was delightfully portrayed by Susan Sullivan and Elizabeth Taylor in the hit TV shows, New Maverick and Poker Alice, respectively!
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