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NASA's DART and Our Online Slots Real Money South Africa Casino

You have heard of the Extinction Rebellion. How about extinction events? If you are stumped, let us here at Springbok - your our online slots real money South Africa casino - bring you up to date. To the flyboys at NASA, extinction events are potential hazards that allow them to test big boys’ toys… like DART!
The Link Between Extinction Events and the Online Slots Real Money South Africa Casino
What is the link between extinction events and our online slots real money South Africa gaming platform? Well, as for a direct correlation, not much to be honest. The one has to do with mass destruction whilst the other is a decidedly more joyful affair!
When you play RTG developed games at our online slots real money South Africa casino, pleasure is the overriding emotion. Destruction does not form part of the equation at all. That said, add a dash of adrenalin to proceedings – and cash gaming at Springbok Casino is thrillingly great!
Truth be told, the only common denominator between the two requires quite a reach in terms of imagination. That said, when you take this one key factor into account, it makes it a little bit easier to argue that there is a connection, albeit a stretch…
What might this ‘key factor’ be? Well, we are referring to the last known extinction level event on Earth. According to scientists, this particular occurrence happened approximately 66 million years ago. What happened then?
It is an event best remembered for wiping out the dinosaurs. You know? Those large terrifying creatures that populated Earth during the later Cretaceous geological period. Hence the term ‘extinction event’. Everything, well, nearly everything on Earth was effectively wiped out.
As for what exactly transpired and what our planet looked at the time, modern tech – such as what powers our online slots real money South Africa casino – were millions of years away. We’re left to rely on the scientists in the respective fields to connect the dots!
Now, when you visit Springbok Casino – independently rated the best online slots real money South Africa gaming site – what do you find? Dinosaur themed online slots of course. They are in the form of T-Rex, Megasaur and T-Rex II. All have a progressive jackpot as the main prize!
There you have it. The dino slots at our online slots real money South Africa casino is what we can ultimately say connects us to the mass extinction event! We said it was quite a stretch.
The Estimated Frequency of Extinction Events
What caused that specific extinction event? It is widely believed and accepted that it was due to a collision between a large asteroid and planet Earth. According to scientific simulations, it triggered massive tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, shock waves and heat radiation. The combined effect of all these environmental disasters wiped out the planetary inhabitants, en masse.
If it happened once, it is fairly safe to assume that it will happen again, right? Scientists reckon that the average frequency of collisions between Earth and near-Earth objects (NEO) correlates with the size of the object.
Asteroids of about one kilometre in diameter slam into Earth every 500,000 years. Ratchet up the diameter to five kilometres and you can expect an epic smash every 20 million years or so. The ‘roid that caused irreparable damage over 60 million years ago had a girth of more than 10 kilometres across!
With that in mind, when can we anticipate the next ‘big bang’? By all accounts, not anytime soon. Nonetheless, plans are afoot to save the planet if needs be… via kinetic powered deflection!
About NASA’s DART Mission
That is where DART comes in – and, no, it is not a small flighted missile that you throw at a board. Rather, it is a sophisticated space craft purpose built to test its impacting technique. The test subject? A tiny moon of the double asteroid, Didymus.
This moonlet, as it were, is called Dimorphos. On the date of impact, it will be the closest it has been to Earth for several years – a mere 10.8 million kilometres away!
At that precise point in time, DART – or the Double Asteroid Redirection Test – will be cruising through space towards its planned encounter with Dimorphos. If all goes according to plan, on Monday 26 September 2022, DART will gently nudge the asteroid system off its existing orbit.
The impact of the spacecraft, travelling at a speed of 6.6 kilometres per second, is expected to generate a velocity change of just 0.4 millimetres per second. This will cause a nominal modification to the trajectory of the asteroid system, which will get much greater over time. From a hypothetical point of view, anything that was lying in the asteroid’s path will no longer be at risk.
How will DART find its target in the vast expanses of outer space? At the moment, the craft is being guided by a mission control team on Earth. As it gets closer to the moonlet, it will use images captured by the Didymus Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for Optical Navigation (DRACO) to enable autonomous navigation.
DRACO is the only instrument on the space craft. Its job is two-fold:
- to send images of the asteroid’s surface back to mission control
- to support DART’s autonomous guidance system to the point of impact.
Here is What Is Expected to Happen on the Day of Impact
To give you an idea of the precision and speed involved in the mission, here is how things have been calculated to unfold on the day of impact:
- When DART is four hours away from the target, the SMART NAV guidance system is activated to provide complete autonomy.
- Three hours prior to impact, when Dimorphos is 176,000 kilometres away, all objects near the target are identified and documented by DART. This is to help scientists determine what changes, if any, are caused by the impact.
- 90 minutes prior to impact and when the target is 38,000 kilometres away, the final trajectory is fixed.
- At 24,000 kilometres away, Dimorphos is directly observable for the first time.
- DRACO will transmit continuous images of the asteroid surface in real-time up to two seconds before impact.
DART is not entirely alone. A second satellite carrying a camera was recently deployed. The LICIACube – Light Italian Cube Sat for Imaging Androids – will document the entire event before, during and after impact. Imagine this tech was around 60 odd million years ago!
With LICIACube, there will be irrefutable evidence of the success, or otherwise, of the mission. Whatever the outcome, Earth will be one great leap closer to creating an effective defence system against wandering comets, asteroids and other near-Earth objects.
What could possibly go wrong?
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