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Imagine Launching an Online Casino with a Neural Implant?

Imagine a future where just the thought of playing Real Time Gaming (RTG) developed slots activates your fav online casino? A time when humanoid robots are doing mundane tasks like hanging out the washing or walking the dog? Does it seem far-fetched? Well, not quite…
Futuristic Technologies Impacts Everything – Including the Online Casino World
Right now, there is a synergy of neuroscientists, automotive engineers and roboticists working on perfecting complex stuff like neural links, brain machine interfaces (BMIs) and intelligent semi-automated robots. Even the ubiquitous online casino is being repurposed for futuristic technologies, like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI).
It is not so much the universe that is changing… and Springbok Casino along with it. Rather, is the emergence of the metaverse – an entirely new reality which isn’t real at all – that is revolutionising the world as we know it.
Tesla's Bots, Neural Implants and Thought-Controlled Online Casino Games
According to one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, a fully-fledged semi-sentient humanoid robot is only months away. If that is not impressive enough, how about the awesome advances being made in Neuralink technology? Advances that will ultimately allow you and I to control a device, machine, computer and even an online casino with nothing more than our brain!
‘Thought’ will become more than neural activity. It will be the propellant capable of animating the keyboard, mechanising the mouse and locking, loading and unleashing the best online casino games on a bespoke gaming device!
From EVs and Reusable Rockets to Semi-Sentient Droids
What is the common denominator behind smart and sassy robots and fabulously functional neural implants? It is not so much ‘what’ but ‘who’. Both these concepts are being financed and driven by Elon Musk – the great inventor and enabler of electrical vehicles, reusable rockets and Wi-Fi disseminating Starlink satellites.
At one point in time, all these ground-breaking innovations were labelled ‘impossible’, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘frankly not doable’ by a growing coven of critics. Today, Tesla and SpaceX are valued at more than 10.5 billion and $74 billion, respectively. That is pretty impressive considering the market size of the online casino sector, worldwide, is $262 billion.
A Self Navigating AI Droid By This Time Next Year?
Now, Musk has dared to go into a theatre dominated not be thespians, but experienced bot developers. What is more, he has thrown down the gauntlet. In a recent public address, Musk promised the development of a prototype of a fully functional AI operated humanoid robot… by this time next year!
Our automated friend – Optimus is the name – is tall, slim and relatively strong in comparison to regular humans. Unless of course you happen to be Lyu Xiaojun, winner of the gold medal of the men’s 81 kg weightlifting at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics!
Although still very much in the conceptual stage, the androgynous Optimus has sensitive human-like hands and feet, probably clad in electronic skin.
Optimus’ Vital Statistics
The bot-to-be can amble at a brisk 8 kilometres per hour, which is 3 kph faster than the rest of us. It can also carry 20 kg in weight without toppling over or dropping in a dead faint. In total, Optimus is fitted with 40 electro-mechanical actuators to enable seamless movement of all the body parts.
Tesla’s conceptual robot has a smart screen and autopilot cameras in its head to support effortless navigation of the environment. The torso contains a powerful computer linked to neural networks, multi-cam video and all the relevant hardware, software and tools required for optimal operations.
If Optimus was an online casino, our friendly droid would be branded Springbok Casino, purely because of its functionality, features and awesome agility!
Too Many Variables Requiring an Instant Response Time?
The challenge – and there always is one – is to equip the self-navigating robot with sufficient intelligence to manage the infinite number of variables inherent in the natural world. In essence, Optimus will have to have the capabilities to sense millions, if not billions, of data points – and respond to them in real time.
Rather than relying on advanced AI technologies, which at this point do not exist, perhaps a different approach is required. That is especially true if the prototype Optimus is to meet the Elon’s self-imposed deadline.
Connecting the Brain with the Machine
Could Neuralink technology be the answer? The Tesla bot is after all first and foremost a machine… albeit one that has many of the physical attributes of a real person, like us regular Homo sapiens.
The primary application of the so-called Link – the neural implant developed by the neuro-engineering start-up, Neuralink – is to enable the brain to communicate directly with a computer, digital device or machine… and vice versa.
In essence the Link is the tool capable of unlocking the likes of apps and games, including Springbok Casino, of course, through cogitation!
BMIs to Assist People with Disabilities
Neuralink’s core business is the development of brain machine interfaces. At this point, they are focused on developing solutions for people living with physical disabilities. Once the idea, of implanting micro-threads, electrodes and a neural link into the relevant area of the brain goes mainstream, the applications for BMIs are endless.
Is a Neural Link Between Operator and Bot the Answer?
Optimus is essentially conceived as an affable bot with enough intelligence to self-navigate and do repetitive boring tasks. Its role is to assist humans, so why not connect Optimus with a handler, so to speak?
A remote operator, fitted with a brain machine interfaces implant connecting his or her brain with the Optimus computer, can surely initiate tasks through thought… and then leave the bot to its own devices?
When the droid does encounter any variables it cannot resolve itself, the on-board computer can always be programmed to send an alert to the operator’s BMI. The necessary adjustments to the robot’s movements can then be made through thought… and thought alone! Does this sound like the art of the impossible? We bet on not – especially with Elon Musk in the equation!
Login to Springbok Casino – Your Dexterity is Required, for Now
We like to think of our online casino as technologically advanced – and for the most part it most certainly is. When, however, it comes to brain-controlled gaming, we are not there quite yet. You will need the use of your fingertips to sign up and login to Springbok Casino, but we have made our processes as quick, easy and intuitive as can be (for now)!