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In How Many Ways is Online Gaming Advantageous over Land Based Casino Gaming?

The following will demonstrate why gambling at an online casino is better overall than gambling at a land-based casino.
Mobile Casino
The whole concept of a mobile casino is the diametric opposite of a land based casino. A mobile casino travels with you as an app on your smartphone whilst a land based casino is rigid. Some land based casinos have actually begun offering mobile casino gaming to their customers because mobile is so popular. Springbok mobile casino has become the default platform for a majority of Springbok’s gamers.
Why would anyone travel to a land-based casino in order to play on their mobile device?
Quit Whilst You’re Ahead
We all know about setting limits to how much we can afford to lose. We should also set limits on how much we can “afford” to win. That means quitting whilst we’re ahead.
The idea here is that playing casino games online is far more conducive to the idea of setting a time limit for gaming and for quitting if you get a pre-determined sum of money ahead. When you play online, you also see your gaming as a diversion. It might be what you do when you need a break from working on your work project, cleaning your house, or putting together a proposal.
When you’re at a land based casino, you can gamble, eat, see a show, and gamble some more. It would make no sense to bring a work project to a land based casino. If a work project is so important that you need to attend to it between hands or spins, you might as well stay at home and play those few hands or spins at Springbok online casino.
Online Casinos are More Flexible
At online casinos, there are more games to choose from. Land-based casinos also have many games but in slots and video poker, for instance, they have many terminals for the same game because these are the most popular games in their category. At an online casino, you never have to wait.
Land-based casinos are limited in space by their physical size. Online casinos are virtually infinite so they can have one of every game and everyone who wants to play that game can do so, simultaneously.
Your return to player rate is higher because online casinos have less overhead. This can easily be the difference between finishing a session or a trip with losses or gains. Whether you play online or at a land-based casino, you should always find out the return to player rates at all games.
At an online casino, it is easy to find the best minimum bets for your bankroll. If you’re at a land-based casino, the game you want to play because of the minimum bet might already be full. This happens most often in blackjack. If you like to play blackjack and you can only afford to play at a $2 table and the casino you’re in doesn’t have a $2 table or the $2 table is full, you’re in the wrong casino. This never happens at an online casino.
Avoid all Distractions
Land-based casinos are masters of distraction. In blackjack, poker, and video poker—the games where you have to be the most alert in order to make the best decisions—distraction is another way for the house to get an advantage.
Free Play
You need to practice a lot before going to a land based casino because they won’t let you practice there. You can practice as long as you want online. It’s called free play and most online casinos offer unlimited free play.
Keep Track of the Time
Take a watch or telephone so you always know what time it is. When you play online, the computer tells you the time. All you have to do is look out the window to see if it’s dark or light outside. Land based casinos are notorious for not having clocks or windows.
Eat Properly
Land based casinos offer free buffets to players who play long enough. Eating at an all-you-can-eat place is fine as long as you don’t have to make important decisions after the meal. You never eat at an all you can eat place when you’re at work because you know that both your mind and your body will be sluggish after such a big meal. Never overeat at a land based casino: you’ll play even though you’re not at your best and you’ll lose more.
Because there are no clocks at a land based casino, players are tempted to skip a meal. Sometimes it simply happens naturally. Never skip a meal even if you’re not hungry. If you’re not hungry eat a fruit or a salad. If you play past the time that you normally eat lunch, you’ll get hungry between your regular lunch and supper hours. It will throw your eating pattern off whack.
At land based casinos, you have only a few days at most to play and if your eating schedule gets thrown out of kilter, you’ll end up making mistakes in your gambling. The house’s edge at land based casinos is already high enough. There is no reason to give the house another advantage.
Maintain Healthy Sleeping Habits
Sleep when you normally do. Casinos know that a lot of gamers will stay up late that first night and their judgment will be off for the rest of their stay. This is yet another reason why land based casinos don’t have clocks. A lot of players get less sleep than they should because they play past their proper bedtime and because they want to get in as much gambling as they can.
Maintain Healthy Drinking Habits
The house offers free alcohol because it knows that giving free alcohol is very cost effective. A lot of players feel that they have to accept free drinks because if they wait until after they finish playing to drink, the drinks will cost a lot more than free drinks cost. But the casino knows that drinking will affect your game play - to their advantage - you won't be as sharp and your logic and strategy will be hindered.
Casinos and their adjacent hotels can’t tell you where to drink so you can always bring your own whiskey and sit in the hotel lobby or on the grounds with your drink after gaming. There is never any reason to drink in your room. But there are many good reasons not to accept free alcoholic drinks from the casino whilst you’re playing.
Enjoy Casino Gaming
By now it should be clear that online gaming has many advantages over land based casino gaming.