Enjoy your time at Springbok Casino
Optimize your Slots gaming experience with our collection of great tips!
What Does Feature Guarantee Mean in RTG Slots?
When browsing through the casino games listed under the slots category, you have undoubtedly come across the words ‘Feature Guarantee’. They are usually splashed across a few of the games’ thumbnails. It is clearly an indication of something special… but what does it mean, and how can players at Springbok Casino benefit from it?
A Round-Up of the Best RTG Online Slots in 2020
This year, as with every year, Springbok Casino launched an assortment of brand-new online slots. Besides the sleek and functional game mechanics and big paying bonus features, the themes and characters were as diverse and interesting as always.
Can Board Games Ever Rival Online Slot Games?
The digital platform has presented us with endless opportunities, one of which is the ability to play online slots on our PC or phone. It’s not only slots that have made the leap from real to virtual – anybody with data and a device can play video games, live dealer games and board games… on-demand. Tech has powered up the board game experience but is it enough to knock slots off the popularity perch?
How Free Social Casino Slots are Deceiving and Why Online Gambling Ranks #1
Online gambling, like pretty much everything else on the planet, has been influenced by social media. If it’s not political Twitter wars that are getting us riled up, it is false news infused Facebook that has given new meaning to the phrase ‘falling down the rabbit hole’ in 2020. How does the ‘social’ in casino slots pose a danger to players?
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