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Gambling Tips
Make the best out of it! Here you'll find lots of handy tips to become even better.
Infinity Reels in Slots? Been There, Done That!
The word on the street is infinity reels are the hot new online gambling trend. Well, at Springbok Casino, we beg to differ. Our expanding reel sets may have a finite ending – but the concept is not new by any stretch of the imagination… and here is why!
4 Hot Tips for a Better Online Roulette Win Rate
Can you improve the odds of winning when you play online roulette? The short answer is ‘yes’. By putting in the time and making properly informed decisions, you really can give yourself the best possible chance of turning a profit.
What is the Best Soft Hand Strategy in Blackjack?
Blackjack is essentially a game of two parts, each requiring a strategy of its own. There are hard hands, where the basic blackjack strategy is a reliable reference point. Then there are soft hands… and that is where things can quickly go awry at an online casino.
Tales of the Online Casino: The $35m Record Roulette Win
Courage, crassness and all-out chicanery is all it takes to break the bank. That is how the most audacious fraudster of his time brought Monte Carlo Casino to its knees. Did Charles De Ville Wells have a roulette strategy or betting system in-play? That is for you to find out!
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