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Gambling Tips
Make the best out of it! Here you'll find lots of handy tips to become even better.
How to Play the Hard 16 in Blackjack and Minimise Losses?
In Blackjack a hard 16 is not for the faint hearted. It is the kind of hand that is neither here nor there. As a points total, it is not high enough to prompt players to stand. Yet it is not low enough to automatically elicit a hit. Hard 16 lives in a grey zone perilously close to the bust barrier… so what is the best way to play the hand at the online casino South Africa? With care, cunning and luck!
Lady Poker Casino Games Pros
It wasn’t too long ago when 99% of online casino poker pros were male. Today, that percentage is probably about 90%. At any tournament table of ten players, you’ll usually see one woman. More and more women are choosing to enter the poker circuit but they face challenges and barriers.
6 Ways To Play Blackjack at Springbok Online Casino South Africa
The gambling world is changing quickly. Thanks to technology, players now have many more opportunities to win at different types of games as they play at the online casino South Africa from the comfort of their own homes. There are more variations of old classic games, more types of slots and variety games and betting levels for both VIP high-stakes players and low-stakes gamers alike.
Why the Paroli Betting System is Perfect for Roulette Rookies
What are the best online casino games for gambling greenhorns? Slots? Maybe. Scratch cards? Perhaps – provided you don’t expect too much in terms of game play! How about roulette? Oh yes… that is where the action is at Springbok Mobile Casino South Africa – and have we got a hot tip for you! If you want to limit your stakes and rake in the money, do not take your eyes off this screen!
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