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Gambling Tips
Make the best out of it! Here you'll find lots of handy tips to become even better.
Multi-Hand Jacks or Better – Blessing or a Curse?
With a low edge and jaw dropping jackpot prize, Jacks or Better video poker is one of the better prospects at the online casino South Africa. What is more, at Springbok Casino you can play several hands at the same time. That means more money in the bank… or does it?
Can Board Games Ever Rival Online Slot Games?
The digital platform has presented us with endless opportunities, one of which is the ability to play online slots on our PC or phone. It’s not only slots that have made the leap from real to virtual – anybody with data and a device can play video games, live dealer games and board games… on-demand. Tech has powered up the board game experience but is it enough to knock slots off the popularity perch?
Pros and Cons of Aces and Eights vs Jacks or Better Video Poker
Have you visited an online casino, hit the video poker tab and scratched your head in confusion? We know how you feel. At Springbok Casino we feature 14 video poker variants, all of which are available in the single- and multi-hand modes.
Do the Rules in Blackjack Have an Impact on the Payout Rate?
When it comes to game play, blackjack is a straight forward card comparison game. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover all sorts of variables that can affect your overall win rate. The trick is to focus on stuff like the rules and the number of decks in-play as they can influence how much you win or lose at the best online casino in cyberspace!
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